Journey of Wonder Woman

June 25, 2018

Menghilangkan Noda Pada Setrikaan

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Hai Readers, Seringkali kita para wanita selalu dipusingkan dengan setrikaan yang sudah pernah nempel pada pakaian lain, lengket dan terkena gosong. Biasanya setrikaan yang sudah terkena gosong, jika digunakan akan lengket pada pakaian lain, dan sulit jika digerakan. Jika mengalami hal tersebut, tidak usah panik dan segera menggantinya dengan yang baru. Coba lakukan tips berikut supaya setrikaan seperti baru dan bisa digunakan kembali.

Berikut Tips Membersihkan Setrikaan yang Gosong atau ternoda:
1    1. Siapkan pasta gigi
Pasta gigi digunakan sebagai media seperti sabun. Penggunaannya pun sama, tinggal di oleskan secara merata pada permukaan setrikaan yang gosong. Kemudian diamkan kira-kira 5 menit, supaya pasta gigi ini merata.

2    2. Gunakan sikat gigi bekas
Sikat gigi merupakan alat untuk menggosok permukaan yang sudah di olesi pasta gigi. Lakukan gerakan seperti layaknya menyikat. Lakukan proses penyikatan ini sampai permukaan yang hitam mulai pudar dan akhirnya menghilang. Tidak perlu menggunakan tenaga ekstra, yang penting terus dilakukan.

3    3. Tisue atau lap bersih
Setelah di sikat sampai permukaannya bersih lap menggunakan tissue atau lap. Karena biasanya proses penyikatan ini akan menimbulkan air.

Lakukan tahap- tahap tersebut sampai gosong atau lengketnya menghilang.
Mudah bukan? Jadi mulai saat ini jika mempunyai setrikaan yang sudah lengket karena kena gosong atau ternoda, jangan dibuang. Coba bersihkan dan ikuti langkah diatas. Pasti setrikaan lama bisa digunakan kembali dan bisa tetap berhemat, tidak perlu beli setrikaan yang baru.

June 21, 2018

The Importance of Character Education in Shaping Personality

by , in

Character education is not new in the tradition of education in Indonesia. Some modern Indonesian educators who we know like Soekarno have tried to apply the spirit of character education as a form of personality and identity of the nation that aims to make the nation of Indonesia into a nation of character.
In general, to realize character education can be done through formal education, non formal, and informal. Mutual complement and trust and regulated in laws and regulations. Formal education is carried out in stages and the education includes general, vocational, academic, professional, religious and special evocations. In the implementation of character education can be done through the level of education that is implemented in the curriculum at the level of educational unit that contains the lessons of normative, adaptive, productive, local content, and self-development  
According to Foerster, the characteristics of character education include:

1. Emphasize every action based on normative values. Proteges respect the prevailing norms,
2. Build self-confidence, so that students become a firm person of establishment and not afraid of new situations,
3. Autonomy, learners live and practice the rules from the outside to be his personal value, and
4. Persistence which means the endurance of students in realizing what is considered good and loyalty (loyalty) as the basis of respect for the chosen commitment.
Character education in schools that are implemented in self-development education, among others; through activities extracurricular activities in schools, for example OSIS leaders, Scouts, PMR, PKS, KIR, Sports, Art, Religious and others. With extracurricular activities students are expected to easily understand, this is done as part of the distribution of interest students and students as part of the distribution of interests and talents that can be developed as a manifestation of character education nation.
The role of parents, teachers and the community is very important in applying character education. This can be applied daily as part of the activities of our students or sons. Be creative, instill a sense of nationalism, religious and teach independence is expected to be able to shape the character of students. Students are introduced to how to appreciate, have a good work ethic, tough, defensive, professional, creative, courageous, and ready to face outside competition
Character education is very important because it is basic in shaping the quality character of a nation. Thus Indonesia will give birth to superior generations born from the character education system. As a person who is in the academic environment, I feel obliged to instill this. Although not only the responsibility of academics alone. Let's start applying for learners to be a great generation in every time.